Is Lenovo still a good brand?

The 5 Best Lenovo Laptops of 2024: Reviews -

Conclusion. Lenovo makes many laptops every year, so whether you're looking for something for school, work, gaming, or media consumption, you can find something that suits your needs and budget. Their laptops are often among the best value models, offering a good user experience while remaining affordable.Mar 25, 2024
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Is too much RAM bad?

How much RAM do you need for a laptop, gaming PC, or tablet?

Having too much RAM won't necessarily hurt your computer. But it is generally considered to be a bad purchasing decision, because having much more RAM than you actually use won't speed up your computer. Having too much RAM is more of a waste of money, because the excess RAM isn't being used.Mar 8, 2024
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Is IT worth upgrading a 10 year old computer?

How often do you really need to upgrade your PC? - TechRadar

If you're still using hardware like that it's time to get rid of it. While the 'two-year rule' might be a tangible metric used by many tech enthusiasts, I prefer to abide by the 'ten-year rule' - if any part of your computer is more than a decade old, it's time to replace it.Jan 13, 2023
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Is it still worth buying a desktop computer?

Laptop vs desktop: which should you buy for back to school 2024?

PCs are generally more customizable than laptops as well. You can put together top-of-the-line parts for every aspect of the PC when you choose a desktop computer, and upgrade those components as they become outdated. This means that they last much longer than a laptop.Jul 21, 2023
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Should you shutdown your computer every night?

Should You Shut Down Your Computer Every Night?

Although PCs benefit from an occasional reboot, it's not necessary to turn off your computer every night. Regular shutdowns can save energy and maintain performance, but if convenience is key, you can opt for occasional shutdowns.Jan 31, 2024
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Is ASUS owned by Dell?

What is the current relationship between Asus and Dell ... - Quora

both Asus and Dell are separate and independent computer hardware companies. They are not affiliated with each other through ownership or merger. Dell, founded by Michael Dell in 1984, is known for its wide range of computer products, including laptops, desktops, servers, and more.Jul 8, 2013
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